Adrian Barth
Owner, printer
qualified letterpress and offset printer
further education GIB Zurich
(formerly member of the board of directors of Birkhäuser AG, Reinach)
responsible for printing, consulting, quotes, sales
BARTH Offsetdruck AG
& DIGITAL printing
Malzgasse 7a
4052 Basel
061 272 60 70
Adrian & Denise Barth, founder and owner of BARTH Offsetdruck AG & DIGITAL printing, will gladly be at your disposal for all questions regarding design, layout, printing, paper and advertising.
Adrian Barth
Owner, printer
qualified letterpress and offset printer
further education GIB Zurich
(formerly member of the board of directors of Birkhäuser AG, Reinach)
responsible for printing, consulting, quotes, sales
Denise Barth
swiss-certified advertising assistant
(many years of work experience in advertising agencies)
responsible for creative services, design services, layouting, webdesign and prepress